Name: The Club shall be called The International Lawn Tennis Club
of the Czech Republic (hereinafter "the IC")
Location: Prague
The objects of the IC shall be:
1. To promote, by social union and match play, good fellowship
among players who, as members of touring tennis teams, have borne their
rackets overseas, or who are or have been active in international play.
2. To develop, encourage and maintain the highest standard of
sportsmanship and understanding amongst players of all nations.
3. To assist in the welcome and hospitality of members of other
ICs visiting the Czech Republic from abroad.
4. To provide members with information about clubs and tennis
facilities in overseas countries.
1. General Assembly
2. President
3. Committee
The right to act alone on behalf of the IC in all matters is vested in
the President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary and the Honorary
Treasurer of the IC who are the statutory representatives of the IC and
represent the IC towards third parties.
All elected posts in the IC are honorary, and therefore unpaid positions.
1. General Assembly, Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
Annual General
- shall be held at such place and hour, and on such day, in the month of
May, June or July as the Committee may appoint, and shall be called by
the Committee. All members of the IC shall be eligible to attend.
The agenda for Annual General Meetings shall include:
(a) Reports from the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer
for the precedingyear
(b) Election of Committee Members
(c) Expulsions of members
(d) Discussions of all resolutions to be moved
(e) Decisions on the IC budget for the year
(f) Decisions about alterations and additions to the IC Rules
(g) Discussions on any other subjects as required and not
mentioned above
Particulars of
resolutions to be put forward at the Annual General Meeting shall be
sent by the proposing IC members to the Honorary Secretary on or before
January 1 in the year of the Meeting. The date, place and hour of the
Annual General Meeting, together with a copy of any resolution to be
moved and copies of the Honorary Secretary's and Honorary Treasurer's
Reports for the preceding year, shall be posted to all IC Members at
their addresses in the Czech Republic with fourteen days notice. The
reporting year shall be deemed to begin on January 1 and terminate on
December 31. Notice of the Meeting shall also contain a list of the
names of Members of the Committee retiring by rotation, and the names of
Members proposed by the Committee for election or re-election shall be
specified on that list. Before January 1 notice shall be given in
writing to the Honorary Secretary of the name of any Member proposed as
a Member of the Committee by another Ordinary Member of the IC. Without
such notice, no name may be proposed, and the election of the Members
proposed by the Committee shall be deemed to be unopposed.
An Extraordinary General Meeting
- may be called at any time by the Committee for the purpose of
considering any question affecting the welfare and constitution of the
IC. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called on receipt of a
written request, signed by at least 20 per cent of the total number of
the Ordinary Members of the IC, specifying the object of such a meeting,
at which the discussion shall be confined to that object. Fourteen days
notice shall be given to all Members of the date, place and hour of an
Extraordinary General Meeting, and the reasons for the meeting shall be
General Meeting Rules
- Members eligible to vote at general meetings of the IC shall be the
Ordinary Members and all Committee Members. Other members only have a
consultative vote.
- The quorum shall be 20 per cent of the total number of the Ordinary
Members of the IC
- Alterations and additions to the Rules of the IC shall only be made by
a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting
- Election of Committee Members shall only be decided by a majority of
the votes of the members present and voting, excluding abstentions
- all other matters, not mentioned above, shall be decided by a majority
of the votes of the members present and voting, excluding abstentions
- the General Assembly is entitled to change rulings made by the Committee
2. President
- shall be the Chairman of the General Meetings
- shall be the Chairman of the Committee - shall call Committee meetings
taking into consideration the needs of the IC, but at least once a year
- shall be elected from the existing members of the Committee of the IC by
the members of the Committee
- shall be elected to serve a four-year term, being eligible, however, for
- in case the votes in the Committee shall be equally divided, the
President shall have a second or casting vote
- shall appoint Vice-Presidents from the existing Members of the Committee
of the IC (The Vice-Presidents in the Committee shall be limited to
three in number.)
3. Committee
- the management of the IC shall be vested in the Committee
- any existing Member of the IC shall be eligible to become a Member of
the Committee with the exception of Junior Associate Members
- shall consist of a maximum of nine members
- will appoint from the existing members of the Committee the President,
Vice-Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and a Captain
- members of the Committee shall be elected to serve four-year term, being
eligible, however, for re-election
- shall call General Meetings
- the election of all New Members is vested in the Committee
- shall recommend to the General Assembly candidates for election to the
- shall recommend to the General Assembly expulsion of members
In the event of any vacancies occurring in the Committee after the
election at the General Meeting, the Committee shall have the power to
fill such vacancies; but the Members so appointed shall retire at the
next General Meeting following their election, being, however, eligible
for re-election.
The Committee shall meet at least once a year, at such times and places
as it may consider necessary and convenient for the transaction of
Four members shall form a quorum; this does not apply to the election of
the President in which case quorum shall be all existing members of the
The election of New Members of the IC shall be decided by a ballot.
Every member of the Committee present shall place either a white or a
black ball into the ballot box. If there shall be at least 2 (two) black
balls in the ballot box, the Committee is deemed to have voted against
the candidate and therefore the candidate's application shall fail. If
there is one black ball or no black balls in the ballot box, membership
shall be approved with immediate effect at that meeting. The Honorary
Secretary shall notify the candidate of the result of the election in
writing, and in the case of an approved membership this notice shall
also include the copy of the Rules; and the elected new member shall be
requested to pay the Subscription (if any) for the current year to the
Honorary Treasurer, the payment of which shall be considered as implying
acquiescence in, and submission to, the Rules of the IC.
No candidate once rejected shall be eligible for election as a member
for twelve months following his/her rejection.
All matters (except election of Members) not unanimously agreed upon by
the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes; and in cases
where the votes shall be equally divided, the President (Chairman) shall
have a second or casting vote, unless any one of the members of the
Committee shall demand a ballot. If a ballot is demanded, the Chairman
shall be obliged to hold a ballot and if the ballot shows votes to be
equally divided, the President shall have a second or casting vote.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt persons at any time to
assist the Committee for a specific purpose, but such persons shall not
be entitled to vote.
The Election of all new Members is vested in the Committee. Every
candidate for membership has to apply in writing to the Honorary
Secretary and shall require a proposer and seconder, both of whom must
be Ordinary members of the IC, and who must write letters of support to
the Honorary Secretary.
The IC shall consist of:
1. Ordinary Members
2. Honorary Members
Associate Members
4. Junior Associate Members
5. Visiting Members
1. Ordinary Members shall only be eligible for election if they
are or have been Czech citizens and if they have:
(a) Won the Singles or Doubles at the Czech or Czechoslovak
International Tennis Championships (men's or women's category only) or
(b) Been playing members of a National Team playing an
International fixture (men's or women's category only) or
(c) Been playing members of a club team, which won the Czech or
Czechoslovak National Team Championship (men's or women's category only)
(d) Been playing or are still active players on the International
Tour (men's, women's and senior categories only)
(e) Been playing or are still active players on the highest
levels of Czech or Czechoslovak competition in men’s women’s and junior
In cases (b), (c), (d) and (e) above this eligibility shall subject to
the applicant meeting the minimum playing standard as laid down by the
2. Honorary Members shall only be eligible for election as such
(a) they are or have been Czech citizens and are Ordinary members
of another IC
(b) they have been members of an International, University or
Club team visiting the Czech Republic, are not Czech Republic citizens,
and are Ordinary Members of IC(if any) of their country.
(c) the Committee of the IC may elect a limited number of
Honorary Members, current or former Czech citizens, non Ordinary members
of any IC from abroad, whom they consider merit election by virtue of
services rendered to international tennis.
No person from overseas, who is not and never has been a Czech citizen,
shall be elected an Honorary Member unless he/she is an Ordinary member
of, and is approved by, the IC (if any) of his/her country. No Honorary
Member may continue as such if he/she ceases to be an Ordinary Member of
the IC (if any) of his/her own country.
This membership entails no subscription or charge.
3. Associate Members shall be limited to ten in number. They
shall only be eligible for election if they have rendered signal service
in pursuit of the objects of the IC as defined in Rule II. This
membership entails no subscription or charge.
4. Junior Associate Members shall be under 21 years of age.
Anyone under 21 who has borne his/her racket in an IC team, at home or
abroad, may be invited by the Captain of the IC to apply to the Honorary
Secretary to be elected a Junior Associate Member. In such cases no
proposer or seconder will be required. Junior Associate membership
entails no subscription or charge, carries no right to vote and
terminates automatically at the age of 21, without prejudice to election
as an Ordinary Member.
5. Members of Affiliated International Clubs who are temporarily
resident in the Czech Republic shall be eligible for proposal for
election as Visiting Members, providing the consent of the IC's of their
own countries have been obtained. A Visiting Member shall be required to
pay the Ordinary Membership subscription. Membership will automatically
cease at the time a Visiting Member gives up residence in the Czech
The IC upkeeps a register of its members. New entries and deletions are
executed by the Committee. The Committee shall enter a new member within
5 days off his effective membership approval. The committee shall
provide a current membership register to any member within 15 of his
request. The membership register is private.
An IC Member has the right to: * be elected to IC governing bodies *
take part in IC governance and decision-making as outlined in these
Rules * partake in IC benefits
An IC member has the obligation to: * comply with IC Rules * comply with
the decisions of governing bodies * comply with IC issued norms (rules,
regulations, guidelines) * pay IC subscriptions
All the subscriptions shall be paid to the Honorary Treasurer.
The annual subscription amount for Ordinary Members, due and payable on
January 1 of each year, shall be announced by the Committee no later
than on November 30 every preceding year to all members involved. Any
Member whose current year's Subscription shall be unpaid on January 1
shall receive written notice from Honorary Treasurer, and if his/hers
Subscription shall remain unpaid after this notice, he/she shall, on
March 30, cease from that time to be a Member of the IC. (The
subscription for 2006 year shall be as follows: 1000 CZK; for Grand Slam
winners: free of charge and for over 70 years old members: free of
Every new member is requested to pay the Subscription (this applies to
Ordinary and Visiting members only) for the current year within 20 days
of receiving the written notice from the Honorary Secretary about
his/her election. Members elected after September 30, and having paid
their Subscription for the current year, shall not be called upon to pay
their subscription for the following year. Should a newly elected member
not pay his/her subscription on time, his/her name will be immediately
taken off the list of the Members of the IC.
Any member desiring to resign from the IC must signify his/her intention
before January 1 to the Honorary Secretary otherwise he/she shall be
liable for the current year's Subscription.
Should the conduct of any Member, either in the opinion of the Committee
or of any twelve Members of the IC, who shall certify the same to the
Committee, be regarded as injurious to the interests, activities,
existence or reputation of the IC, the following procedure will come
into operation:
a verbal warning given by the President
2. written notice will issue from the Committee
3. expulsion - recommendation for expulsion is given by the
Committee to the General Assembly, and if it is agreed on by a ballot at
the general meeting by majority of the Members present and voting,
excluding abstentions, the Member's name shall be erased, effective
immediately, from the list of Members and he/she shall forfeit all
Subscription and the right to claim the privileges of membership.
1. The IC has been
affiliated to the Czech Tennis Association (hereinafter "the CTA")
2. The IC has been affiliated to the Council of the ICs, based in
the UK
IC is a non-profit organization; its income and assets consist mainly of:
1. Membership subscriptions
2. Income from other organisations or the State
3. Gifts from sponsors
4. Income from own activities
5. Miscellaneous income
Management of the assets shall be made in an agreement with the
decisions and voting at the General Meetings. All the actual financial
dealings shall be done only by the President, the Vice-Presidents, the
Honorary Secretary or the Honorary Treasurer with the approval of the
In the event of the dissolution of the IC the CTA, the Council of the
ICs and all the members of the IC shall be informed in writing at least
one month prior to any distribution of the IC's assets.
Colours of the IC will be steel-gray and pink, the same as the
colours of all the affiliated ICs.
The tie design parameters for the IC of the Czech Republic shall be:
1/8" 1/8" 1/4" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/4" 1/8" 1/8"
(The underlined parameters are for the pink.)